(Présentation d’un objet océanien, prétexte à fournir une introduction aux arts traditionnels du Pacifique. Chaque présentation (environ 30mns) est suivie d’une discussion).
- Corbin Georges A., 1982, "Chachet Baining Art : In a Day and Night Dance Celebration at Walmatki Village on the Gazelle Peninsula, East New Britain, Papua New Guinea" in Expedition Philadelphia Pa, vol.24, n°2.
- Corbin Georges A., 1984, "The Central Baining Revisited: "Salvage" Art History among the Kairak and Uramot Baining of East New Britain, Papua New Guinea" in RES: Anthropology and Aesthetics, No. 7/8.
- Fajans Jane, 1997, They make themselves. Work and play among the Baining of Papua New Guinea, The University of Chicago Press.
- Hesse, Karl D., 1979, Baining Dances, Port Moresby, Institute of Papua New Guinea Studies.
- Hesse, Karl, and Theo Aerts. 1996 [1982], Baining Life and Lor, Port Moresby: University of Papua New Guinea Press.
- Heerman, Ingrid (ed.), 2001, Form, Colour and Inspiration : Oceanic Art from New Britain, Stuttgart : Arnoldsche.
- Pool Gail, 2015, Lost Among the Baining, University of Missouri Press.